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Docker实践安装后出现:Cannot connect to the Docker daemon.

点滴 admin 7年前 (2017-09-08) 4117次浏览 已收录 0个评论 扫描二维码




p style=”text-indent:2em;”>

[root@VM_104_126_centos ~]# docker ps
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?
[root@VM_104_126_centos ~]# docker search test
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?
[root@VM_104_126_centos ~]# docker run hello-world
/usr/bin/docker-current: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?.
See ’/usr/bin/docker-current run --help’.
[root@VM_104_126_centos ~]# service docker start
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start  docker.service
    <br />
<p style="text-indent:2em;">
    <span style="font-size:16px;">&nbsp;</span> 
<p style="text-indent:2em;">
    <span style="font-family:Microsoft YaHei;font-size:16px;">运行docker命令直接显示Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?</span> 
<p style="text-indent:2em;">
    <span style="font-family:Microsoft YaHei;font-size:16px;">最后发现是docker服务没有起来。</span> 
<p align="center">
    <a id="ematt:3851" href="https://www.whatled.com/content/uploadfile/201709/b7c71504849819.png" target="_blank"><img title="Docker实践安装后出现:Cannot connect to the Docker daemon." border="0" alt="Docker实践安装后出现:Cannot connect to the Docker daemon." src="https://www.whatled.com/content/uploadfile/201709/b7c71504849819.png" width="808" height="679" /></a>
<p style="text-indent:2em;">
<p style="text-indent:2em;">
    <span style="font-family:Microsoft YaHei;font-size:16px;">运行</span> 
<p style="text-indent:2em;">
service docker start
        <br />
    <p style="text-indent:2em;">
        <span style="font-family:Microsoft YaHei;font-size:16px;">问题解决,可以将docker设置为开机启动如下:</span> 
    <p style="text-indent:2em;">
su root # 先切换到root用户, 再执行以下命令
systemctl enable docker # 开机自动启动docker

systemctl start docker # 启动docker
systemctl restart docker # 重启dokcer




[root@VM_104_126_centos ~]# systemctl enable docker
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/docker.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service.
[root@VM_104_126_centos ~]# systemctl start docker
[root@VM_104_126_centos ~]# systemctl restart docker


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                <span style="font-size:16px;">&nbsp;</span> 
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                <span style="font-size:16px;">&nbsp;</span> 
            <p style="text-indent:2em;">
                <br />
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